The Pacific Crossing Guide is a complete reference for anyone contemplating sailing the Pacific in their own boat. From ideal timing, suitable boats, routes, methods of communication, health, and provisioning to seasonal weather, departure and arrival ports, facilities, likely costs and dangers, the comprehensiveness of this new edition will both inspire dreamers, and instill confidence in those about to depart.
This new edition has been completely restructured with Part I covering thorough preparation for a Pacific crossing, and Part II covering Pacific weather patterns, major routes, and landfall ports, with useful website links throughout. There are completely new sections on rallies, coral atolls, and atoll navigation, the cyclone season and laying up, use of electronic charts, satellite phones versus HF radio, ongoing maintenance, and Pacific festivals.
Completely updated, expanded, and refreshed for the new generation of Pacific cruisers, this is the definitive reference, relied upon by many thousands of cruisers.
Material Options
Our paper charts are printed on high resolution, heavyweight, water-resistant paper, using state of the art printing technology. The paper and printing process has been certified by NOAA and deemed to be suitable to withstand the rigors of use in the marine environment. FULL SIZED PAPER CHARTS ARE CERTIFIED FOR CARRIAGE ABOARD COMMERCIAL VESSELS |
Our waterproof charts are printed on a TIP: If you plan to frame or laminate a chart using heat, then do not choose waterproof because the material can melt under heat. FULL SIZED WATERPROOF CHARTS ARE CERTIFIED FOR CARRIAGE ABOARD COMMERCIAL VESSELS |
Size Options |
These are up-to-date, NOAA charts simply enlarged in size so that the small dimension of the chart is 42”, the long dimension is proportionally enlarged. These charts are printed beyond full size, therefore the scale is not the same as the full size NOAA chart, however the scale bars on the charts are proportionally enlarged in size, and can be used for reference. LARGE FORMAT CHARTS ARE NOT CERTIFIED FOR CARRIAGE ABOARD COMMERCIAL VESSELS |
Other Options |
Made to help recreational boaters locate themselves on the water. It has been reduced in scale for convenience, but otherwise contains all the information of the full-scale nautical chart. The bar scales have also been reduced, and are accurate when used to measure distances in these BookletCharts. • Professionally printed and staple-bound using high quality, durable paper. • Includes Notices to Mariners • Printed on-demand with the latest data from NOAA BOOKLET CHARTS ARE NOT CERTIFIED FOR CARRIAGE ABOARD COMMERCIAL VESSELS |
This is a unique line of decorative charts prepared by Paradise Cay Publications.
The short side of the chart is always printed at 36" and the long side will vary depending on the chart - please do not order framing prior to receiving the chart. These will memorialize your favorite coastal area in vintage style and we have added to the standard border of the typical NOAA chart to allow for a more professional, frame-ready presentation. DECORATIVE CHARTS ARE NOT CERTIFIED FOR CARRIAGE ABOARD COMMERCIAL VESSELS |